Saturday, December 24, 2011

psycho kitty

Several years ago we adopted a cat, and she has been a great addition to our little family. And I think she really is a little psycho. She will be sitting quietly and then all of a sudden just dart off into another room, for no apparent reason. She also seems to see things we don't, or maybe she just has a better imagination.
She has been, in the past, very afraid of water. But has recently decided the best way to get water is to have one of us pour a little on her, so she can drink it off her fur. If I am washing dishes or at the sink for any reason, and Kitty comes through the kitchen she has learned to run through at full speed. I occasionally flick a little water on her as she does, hence the sprinting. But as of late, she takes her time wandering through the kitchen. I am not quite sure why she has suddenly come to this conclusion, but any time either of us has a glass of water, she hovers at our feet waiting for us to drain the glass, and pour the remnants on her. She also likes to drink the water out of the shower once either one of us has finished. Apparently moving water is now her favorite.
An interesting discovery as a result, is that Kitty's fur is actually fairly water resistant. Unless you hold her down and pour a fair amount of water on her, which we haven't done, and don't plan on doing, most of the water beads up and rolls off her.
But that isn't the point. 
After Kitty's discovery that moving water is her favorite, she stopped drinking out of her water dish.  I only noticed this when she started to lose weight.  And one day when I came home from work, she came into the kitchen to greet me, as she sometimes does, and tried to meow at me.  I didn't know cats could get hoarse, but apparently they can.  And Kitty was.  I made the connection, that Kitty was no longer drinking any water, other that the little bit she got from the shower, or off herself through her occasional "sprinklings."  Of course, we had to go out and get her a kitty fountain to drink from, which she was immediately afraid of.  Curiosity is not one of Kitty's more noticeable traits. 
She eventually overcame her fear of the water fountain, and nearly has a fit if I have to turn it off to clean it.  She has become pretty attached to the thing, even going as far as lying next to it, just like she does when she wants to cuddle with one of us, which is just as rare. 
But the good thing is, she started drinking her water again, and quickly found the weight she lost while on her water fast. 
We kind of like our crazy little kitty.